Are my grains still good?

I have a recipe kit that came with my recently purchased all grain kit.  The kit was bough mid January

They are milled, have been stored at 70-75 loose in a non vacuum sealed bag.

Still good to use or should I toss them?

Unless it’s infested with insects or showing signs of mold it’s probably fine.

Yes.  Not optimal, but ok as long as they aren’t moldy.

fresh crush is best but you’re probably good to fire it up.

Sorry, it’s a total wash - send it to me & I’'l brew it & let you know how bad it was.  :wink:

I believe that your efficiency will be off if you expect a certain gravity and color but it will still make beer and who can complain about that

I don’t think your efficiency or color will be too off, but the grains may not taste as fresh as possible.  Still worth it too give it a shot though!

I’m not sure I understand why efficiency would suffer.  The starches should still convert just fine.

Also not so sure why you think color would be off.  We’re talking about grain, not old LME which will darken with age.

The flavor of the grains may not be as fresh, but I think that would be the only impact.  I’m not even sure how that would translate through to the finished beer, but it could have a flavor impact for sure.

I say brew with it.  If you’re really worried, mix it in with some fresh grains to minimize the impact.

Could come across as “dull” tasting/smelling.  Or even just plain stale.  Think of old dry bread.  And not the good crouton kind…  :slight_smile: