Ask the Experts - John Palmer - answers posted!

The questions for and answers from John Palmer are now posted at

This is an AHA Members Only area.


Nice article,  well done John

Yeah, there are some really good questions and answers there!

Very good article, thanks John (and AHA). :slight_smile:

Great information.  I enjoyed reading the Q & A . Thanks John!

Awesome!  I’m gonna put on my members only jacket and head over there to check it out.

Thanks to John for his time.

Wonderful! I haven’t read it all yet- will save that for work…

Thanks guy’s for the hard work! This alone makes the membership worthwhile.

This is true.

Looking forward to Randy Mosher.

I’ll spill the beans and say that after Randy, Jamil and Chris White will be taking yeast questions, and Stan Heironymous has agreed to do 2 separate sessions…one on Belgians and one on wheat beers.  So start thinking of those questions!

It keeps getting better!

Thanks AHA and John Palmer. Good stuff!

Maybe you can help me Denny.

I would like to ask one of the experts a question regarding fusel alcohols. More specifically my question has to do with the production, and the reabsorption of fusel alcohols by the yeast.  Which expert should I address my question to?

I think you could ask either Randy or Jamil and Chris.  We’re not taking questions for them yet, but we’ll start taking questions for Randy in the next couple weeks.  Sometime after Thanksgiving likely.  But don’t hold me to that…Gary knows the real schedule and I’m just guessing!

Right on Denny. Thanks.  It’s so cool they’re doing that.

Good stuff! And thanks for reminding me that I need to renew my membership.

Why can’t I access it?  I’m a current member, but it says this:

What’s going on?

An AHA member. If you are just registered with the forum then you need to join the AHA

This threw me off, too.  You have to find the page where you can type in your AHA membership number and email address, then you’ll be confirmed by email.

Try this…

Got it.