Attended a Beer Lecture by Charles Bamforth

Actually it was a webinar on Beer Quality issues offered free by the American Chemical Society.  I assume it was for ACS members only, however it is supposed to be posted on Youtube in a week.  It was around 40min with some Q&A afterwards.  It was interesting, he spent a lot of time on foam formation and stability issues.

I would add that you can see the slides from his presentation, as well as listen to an earlier webinar he did on brewing basics, at the following address:

The slides llink is near the top, and the audio of the previous course is towards the bottom.  It may be available on Youtube as well, I haven’t looked yet.

Did you become an ACS member just for the science of making alcohol beverages?
I have student access to ACS journals through my schools database but it’s limited.  I can’t wait until this presentation becomes available to the public. Thanks for the heads up.

No I’ve been a member for something like 18 years, I worked as an analytical chemist until a few years ago when I switched to environmental work.

Check out youtube, one of his other lectures is already posted.  He also has some other videos, one was ddebating whether beer or wine was more healthful.

I watched this too after being alerted by my colleague the chemistry librarian. I think this was free to anyone who registered. I registered with my .edu  address, which might make a difference – we buy a ton of stuff from ACS. He lost me pretty quickly with the physics of bubbles but it was interesting nonetheless.

I think the most interesting tidbit was the fact that some breweries pump extra CO2 solution into their beer to counteract the effects of light on clear or green bottles. He didn’t mention names, though. Obviously not Heineken or Corona.

I thought the use of isomerized hop extract to resist skunking was interesting.  Mosher mentions this extract in his latest book.  it also is supposed to help foam retention.

I caught the last Bamforth lecture live a couple months ago which was very, very basic and I didn’t get much from it though it was a fun talk I suppose. I couldn’t tune in to this one as I was out of town at the time… from your replies, this one sounds a lot more interesting though.

No, you don’t need to be a member to listen to these lectures, I’m not one. I don’t think they even bother to screen the registration… which would make sense since they make the recordings public anyway. I’m waiting for them to post the recording for the Bamforth on the website… Looks like they got future ones on cheese and culinary chemistry which could be interesting.