
I’m familiar with the general definition of attenuation but not so much when it come to brewing. So here’s another rookie question; what exactly is attenuation in relation to brewing? When I see a particular type of yeast and it gives an attenuation of 75%, what does that percentage reference? Thanks again for helping the uneducated mass(es)!

The quick answer is that attenuation refers to the percentage of gravity points that are fermented by the yeast:

Attenuation = 100% * (starting gravity points - final gravity points)/starting gravity points.

the long answer is here: Understanding Attenuation - German brewing and more

Outstanding! Thanks

It’s also the effect that beer has on the brewer. If I have four home brews, I am 50% attenuated. A few more and I am snoring on the couch.

You made a funny.  :smiley: