August Zymurgy Live - Master Your Homebrewing by Decoding Beer Evaluation

I wanted to create a forum topic to continue any discussion that people may want to have regarding the recent August Zymurgy Live. If you weren’t able to catch it live it’s posted here now (

I appreciate anyone who made it to the discussion with Max live. Max made the discussion rather easy but as my first time moderating a Zymurgy live feedback, of a constructive nature, is appreciated too.


John (Boiler Brew) what a fantastic Zym Live and resource. Thank you for moderating and bringing this to life with Max! Great example of you as an AHA member helping advance our content and ever growing body of work for homebrewers.


This was definitely one of my most favorite AHA webinars! Great job John and Max!

Agreed.  This is a topic I’m interested in and I thought it was very informative.  Great interview!