Avangard Premium Pilsner Malt

Just bought a 55 lb bag. Never used it before. Has anyone here used Avangard?
What were the results?
I have read some good reviews on it.

Our results are that it is a good pilsner malt

I’ve used several bags. It’s a German malt that may give you a few more points of extract. Mash and lauter are good.

Oh yes, that is a common report on the Avangard. Seems that the grain has more efficiency built in!

I have used it a lot.  Very consistent good results.  Not as much rich character as Weyermann Barke or Best, but perfectly fine base Pils malt.  I don’t hesitate to use it, if my LHBS doesn’t have a sack of Best or Barke when I am out of Pils.

Not more efficiency…more potential extract.  Efficiency depends on now much of that you get out.

I’ve used it.  No complaints.

I went to a pool party, and was only offered Budweiser on draft…I drank it, of course. No, I did not complain.

So…is this the same with Avangard? It has been used by some here, no complaints. But that does not tell me it is a great malt.

Makes little difference now as a 55 lb bag is here and ready to go.

You will only know if you like it once you brew with it.

Yes, that is true. It will be used in a hybrid blend this Monday, mixing it with Weyermann in hopes of getting depth of malt character.

I’ve done similar blending in a bitter with maris otter from three different maltsters.

Stand by, I will have a full update. And we will treat our water this time…YIKES!

I used this mat for about 4-6 months. I was very happy to get through any supply and go back to Best. Loads of chaff and dust and the beers lacked character.

Dang! Too late now…already in the mash. But it tasted very good, very close to Weyermann. No chaff, no dust.