I can get a bag of avocados at Costco on the dirt cheap, I think you get 6 or 7 for $3 or so. Problem is they are rock hard when I get them and I never can get through the whole bag before I have to throw them away. And it’s tricky trying to plan dinners when you never exactly know when even a single avocado from the store is ripe.
And one know any tricks on quick ripening or storage of avocados?
I did this one time, i put an apple and a orange in a paper bag with the avocados, and it helped them ripen faster. I guess the fruits give off some sort of chemical that helps the avocados do their thing.
Also, a few avocado things u can make:
Gwak a mole eh - Mush those suckers up with some lime juice, sour cream and a salt and pepper. Yum.
I have an avocado tree at my house which finally started giving a lot of fruit in the last two years. It’s the same for me - they pretty much all ripen at the same time. I think if you put some in the fridge, some on the counter and some in a bag with fruit you could space it out pretty well. I leave mine on the tree as long as I can. They taste the best ripened on the branch.
Jeff, I thought they didn’t start ripening on the tree, only after you pick them? That’s what I’d heard anyway. Not like I can grow avos here.
Guac is great, we also throw them in a salad which means it goes with any dinner, no planning required - just give them a squeeze and if they’re soft, put one in the salad.
No, they are mine. All mine. BWAHAHA!
Birds and squirrels and possums and probably raccoons live around here. Trouble is they just take a few bites and then decide to leave them on the ground. I hate that.
The birds do the same to our apples and cherries, the little bastards. I was just wondering if you gave some away before they rotted :) We keep offering extra apples to the neighbors, but apples in WA aren’t hard to come by.
Hell… I don’t know. Mostly I don’t mess with them until they are just a few days from eating-ripe.
With my trees, I pick them up off of the ground when they fall down (a sure sign of ripeness). I just have to fight the mongooses (mongeese?) for them. Mongooses LOVE avocados.
I don’t know of any way to accelerate the ripening process. If you pick them too early they never get right.
FWIW - I eat homegrown avocados pretty much every day.
Do they not have a season there? My tree survived the late cold snap and now has lots of little green fruit buds, but it’ll be quite a while before they are ripe.
I have one avocado pit I’ve been able to sprout. It looks sad on my window sill. Now that it’s warming up, I will pot it and put it on the porch. It will never bear fruit, but what the heck.
My pineapple is still going strong in a pot. That, too, will move outside once it’s warm.
Like citrus, different varieties of avocado have different seasons. If trees are chosen correctly you can have avocados in season year round. Of course it helps to live where it never freezes (at least no freezing down here at sea level).