Bad idea, but so tempting!

Being the pack rat that I am I save all the wire cages and corks from Belgian and champagne style bottles.  I know I can get at least one use out of the cages.  Never was sure why I saved the corks though.

Now I have a corker and I am sorely tempted to reuse corks.  I have some new Belgian corks, but man are they expensive overall!  When they run out, well.  My half baked idea is that I can sulfite the corks or steam them or…

Seriously asking for contamination aren’t I.  ::)  I just need to hear someone else (other than the little voice in my head) tell me NO!


umm, ok…   NO

never used corks but figured I could still help you out.

I use new corks on all of my wine bottles. They’re fairly inexpensive. I recommend purchasing new corks and sanitizing them. It’s an insurance policy of sorts…and peace of mind.  8)

Yeah, what are you thinking?  You’re in the home stretch here - after all that time, effort and money to make a good beer, cheap out on corks? 
Don’t do it!

  • A Million.

Phew.  Okay.

Thanks for talking me down.


Yes, wine corks are rather inexpensive.  Belgian corks are 3x the amount of regular wine corks though.

But I remain convinced.  :wink:

I don’t think you’re asking for contamination.

You could pressure-cook the corks raised up on a trivet so they’d just get steamed. This is basically an autoclave and surely they would be sterilized as opposed to sanitized- which is probably how you’ll treat your “new” corks.

Why not give it a try on a few bottles and drink these last. If they are infected then you know…

And I wouldn’t bother with re-using the wire cages.  Most of them will break long before you get them twisted tight enough.

I’ve re-used some wire cages with pretty good results, usually they bust in the process
of spinning em down tight…then ya know ya gotta use a different one…

As for your used corks, take em fishin with ya…