bad starter?

I pitched a Wyest smack pack in a good starter and I believe the yeast is bad. Nothing after 24 hrs.  I planned a backup and have a tube of White Labs.  Could I just pitch this on top of the Wyest in the starter jug, or should I start from scratch with a new starter?

thanks, Gary

Have you checked the gravity of the starter? They certainly can ferment out in <24 hours.

Or it could just be taking its time getting started.

Thanks guys- the Brix of the starter is 15- this is a Bohem lager so I understand the time lag- it’s just that I am brewing tomorrow and getting a little nervous and I didn’t have a good feeling about the pack I got.  So in any case can I use this starter with the White Labs, or should I make a new one?

Are you fermenting the starter at lager temps?  Whether lager or ale, it should be at room temp.  Also, 15B is kinda strong for a starter.  9B is a lot better.  And finally, a lager takes a LOT of yeast…a gal. starter isn’t uncommon.  I usually make lager starter 7-10 days in advance, let them ferment out, and decant the spent wort before pitching.

No reason you can’t put the White Labs yeast in it, but you may want to rethink your whole plan.

In my experience 2124 can take awhile to get going in a starter.  There has been more than occasion where I was starting to get concerned but just let it go and it got moving after a day or two.  Now I just expect it with that yeast.