Ballast Point files for IPO

Interesting to see this:

What was more interesting was their filing, which says 53% of the sales are from Sculpin and Grapefruit Sculpin. That wouldn’t bode well for me as an investor.

I don’t think that number is out of line for any brewery with a clear flagship product like that. BBC probably earns a significant sum from Sam Adams Boston Lager, Sierra Nevada from SNPA, etc.

Ballast Point is diversifying into spirits which is another rising craft industry with the potential for even greater profits than beer. Once they really get that arm up and running into wide distribution that will probably become a significant portion of profits if only still a small portion of total revenue.

I think he meant he doesn’t like sculpin.  Me on the other hand see it as a top 5 favorite

I was thinking more of how Sculpin goes for $15 a six pack, vs $8 or $9 for Samuel Adams or Sierra Nevada. I love it, but I don’t buy it all that often.

So I am not the only one that choked at $15 for a six pack for Sculpin. I thought it was just jacked up at the store in our town.  I did find a store that had it for $13, which still surprises me to spend for a 6 pack.  It was then that I realized I really don’t buy beer that often anymore.

I agree the price is too high. It was super hard to get at one time and now it just sits on the shelves.

yeah, but its also still considerably less per ounce than most decent bombers is how i see it.

sculpin and GF sculpin flies off the shelves here.  last few times i’ve bought it, it was less than 3 weeks since packaging.

that said, i love that I will be able to buy a 12 of Celebration for the same price ($13.99)in a couple weeks or so.

As an investor, i’d be happy with their margins.  Sculpin has been that price for a long time, and they have been able to signficantly increase sales of that line yet maintain the profit margin.  Surprising that they are going the public rather than private equity route like many of the others recently before them - public companies offer a whole different set of headaches.

Yea, Celebration time. Always gets me in the mood for Christmas. A half rack of Celebration and DVDs of Charlie Brown, Cindy Loo Who, Yukon Cornelius… priceless!

Now that their bottles have been seen on The Big Bang Theory, sales should skyrocket

I noticed that too.

That really was great product placement! And it’s $15 a sixer here in greater Cincinnati as well. Nice treat every once in a while though