Anyone done one? How much banana did you use?
I haven’t done one, but I’ve been seriously considering brewing an oatmeal stout using a hefe yeast for the banana and spice flavors. That may be an alternative way to get the flavors you’re shooting for. WY3638 fermented in the low-mid 60’s gets you some cinnamon and vanilla phenolics to go with the banana esters.
O that could work well. Is that belgian ardenns?
It’s the Bavarian Wheat strain. I’ve never done a side-by-side with the Weihenstephan strain, but I think the phenolics have a little less clove and a bit more sweet spice like cinnamon/cardamom and vanilla.
Im all over that idea
I am personally not a fan of “Belgian/Hefe” stouts. Flavors seem to clash to me, but to each their own. Never hurts to try something once. RDWHAHB
Making my starter right now for this beer
Went with the Bavarian wheat strain. This one’s a slow poke. Smacked it yesterday, 9 hrs later half full…not much action on my starter yet either. Should be fine though…
Going to experiment with a couple lbs of toasted oats in this recipe. Only going to throw a few extra ripe bananas in the mash…don’t want to overdo it and the yeast with bring bananas to the party anyways.