Barley Crusher in today!

The Fedex guy showed up today with my new toy!
I crushed 7 pounds for my next batch with the crank and will never do that again. I was sweating in the kitchen cranking that damn thing. Glad to have a motor and drill to run in from now on.

I have a Corona Mill and have done 2 batches now with it (by hand crank). First batch was 18.5 lbs and the second was 17.5 lbs.  I know the pain you speak of but to me its all in a day of brewing…or the day or two before.

Only took me once too!  :smiley:

I would just verify the gap.  Mine must have been dropped by  UPS or something because it was off on both ends from the manufactures setting of 39mm.  I used my Credit card first then eventually got the feeler gauge for more accurate settings.

Good idea, I’ll check that out. I was really impressed with the aggressive knurl on the rollers. My old one is worn almost smooth. I could have send it back to the fella that made it, but the wifey beat me to the punch!

tom, put about 3-4000lbs of grain through it and they’ll wear down, trust me… :wink:

definitely check the gap, and if you hit any pebbles in your grind, be sure to check it again.

3-4000 pounds would have me brewing well past my hundredth birthday at my rate!

I have that 15lb Barley Crusher. I’ve probably crushed grain for 30 batches or so already and it works like a charm. Great value!

I suffered cranking that thing in the kitchen forever (probably 7 batches).  Tried the drill and had the chuck seize up on me.  Finally got the Surplus Sales motor rigged up to a switch on a table and life is good.

Don’t you feel as giddy as a kid on Christmas when new toys come in the mail :wink:

And may we all be here to toast to you.

I’ve had mine for three years now. Dropped it directly on the drive-shaft so there’s a slight warp to it but it still grinds like a champ once it gets going. One thing to watch out for is that grain swells and contracts along with the humidity- so periodically you might have to loosen up the gap slightly to get the grain to “bite” and start passing through.

I run it as fast as I can with a drill.

Congrats on the BC I hope you wear that sucker out!

I just got mine a few days ago. I first put 1 lb grain through by hand cranck to play with it, so I wont be doing that again. the drill was awsome and about 1,000 times faster. BTW how do you adjust the gap if, one wanted to?

There’s two knurled knobs for adjusting at each end. You can loosen them by backing off on the screws by each knob.

+1      I had the same problem and thought the shaft was slipping on the roller until I looked underneath and saw it just was not puling grain through.

It helps to run the drill at full speed/high speed before slowly adding the grains to the hopper.

In other words, it will be a lot easier on you and your drill if you don’t load all of the grains into the hopper and try to start the rollers.  That requires a LOT of torque.

Instead, just have an assistant hold your drill and BC and get the rollers running fast before you slowly pour the grains into the hopper.  I try to have no more than a half inch of grains in the hopper (just enough to cover the rollers).  If you’re getting a lot of jams (roller stops), either the drill speed is too low (or not enough torque) or the mill gap is too narrow.

The narrow mill gap was probably my situation on the last two batches (I got great efficiencies, but horribly long lauters).  I’ve since widened the gap a little more (grist was too finely crushed, IMO, on the last two batches).

I remember someone on this board who got a running go to crush some rye. Flipped his crusher and grain across the floor. Hmmm…wonder who that could have been? Wish I could have been there to see it. I would have bought him some new grain as payment. ;D ;D ;D ;D

It wasn’t me!  Though a video of that happening would make a great post here!

What width does everyone gap their Barley Crusher?

Hmm, I think I have a different solution for my mill.  Use a big-ass drill.  Needs a lot of torque?  Check.