Got my Cereal Killer and found a deal on a blemished counter top. Found a low speed high torque drill with speed adjustment. Added a switch for convenience.
The only trick is trying to support the weight of the drill so it doesn’t burn through mill bearings. Not pretty but works for me.
Thanks. Of course I had to try it out though I’m not brewing till next week. I had the drill laying on the wrong side, other than that it worked great. I dialed in the drill to the slowest setting that doesn’t stall from a dead stop with grain in the mill. Seems to be about 1/3 impulse power, which worked great for the Scot I milled up. At .040 it gives a fine crush with hulls in much better shape than I ever got with the corona mill.
I’m not familiar with either the corona or cereal crusher or any commercial mill at that matter. Mine was built homemade in a machine shop…works great but could double as an anvil or even triple as a bait anchor.
Haha yes. And when you’re done, cone build me some. I’ll give you a homebrew or 9 for your services. It’s true though. I bought three sacks (2 row and Munich) and four 10 pound bags of malt a couple weeks ago on sale. A few days later I got another email saying they extended the sale for another 12 hours. I almost bout two more sacks (Pilsen and MO to top off my supply). I quickly realized that I had no storage space for an additional 110 lbs of grain. I’m pretty much capped at 300-350 lbs… Why is that necessary?!? Lol
Drill is a ryobi 1/2" hammer drill I got at home depot for $49. I’m certain there are cheaper options, I just didn’t feel like driving to ten different stores.
The foam yoga mat spacer really helps with getting the clearance right. Its stiff enough so it’s firmly mounted but soft enough you can tighten it to the point that the shaft and chuck align without torsion on the bearings.