Looking for a reputable bbq/smoker forum. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
I like The Virtual Weber Bulletin Board and Smoked-Meat
My suggestion is to join one which is predominately filled with people who cook on similar equipment to yours. If you have an BGE then join that forum, KJ then that one, etc. In that way the setup will be almost exactly the same as yours.
I think I’m still a member of the BBQ Brethren group, I participate on the Akorn group on Facebook, but that’s about it nowadays.
Reputable forum? The best you can hope for are reputable contributors on a forum. Either way, you’ll need the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. There are several subs on reddit that cover smoking, BBQ, Traeger, and I’m sure a few others. Outside of that, I’m sure an open search will find some others to peruse.
As an avid brewer and fan of all things cooked outdoors, I seldom frequent forums dedicated to BBQ and smoking. I do sometimes look at what’s new on BBQ pit boys, amazing ribs as well as some other sites. There are a few members that contribute to a thread I started on Brewers Friend early in 2018, titled, “Smoking, grilling and curing foods, etc.” No real pros here, but a good group that like food.
I will second Amazon Ribs, though its not a forum.
I have a Green Mountain Grill, so I look at that Facebook page or the Träger Page. Similar pellet smokers.
https://www.smokingmeatforums.com/ is really good.
They are a friendly bunch and as into BBQ as we are into homebrewing.
I have a Smokin-It electric smoker and the forum there is helpful as a resource. Electric versus stick or pellet smokers differ quite a bit, of course.
Amazingribs.com is one of my favorites. It doesn’t just cover smoking. It pretty much covers all devices that create smoke i.e, charcoal, gas, wood chunk, pellet. There might even be a thread for fire pits. There is a premium forum called the Pitmaster Club that I am a member of as part of my deep dive into cooking meats. Check it out!
I used to visit there a lot but after seeing the grand poobah clean house a cpl times — just ban members and moderators for perceived transgressions without notice — it kinda turned me off to his management style. YMMV