I’ve been working an environmental science camp and haven’t had time to do anything beer related, besides xferring a carboy to keg in a few months.
What I miss? I need to jump back in and brew something (hopefully Friday) but this hurricane Rosa on the west coast was supposed to precipitate 3 days.
In other news. The beer I did xfer is a west coast IPA at around 8.3% mashed low, super dank with 2ml of hop oils.
I think those oils affect the beer in some way, such as on the overall palletability. Beer is not as dry as I would have thought. Mashed around 147*
Anyways. Looking to turn into a monk and brew a monastery beer Friday if the beer gods allow.
Your point about the hop oil addition and the loss of dryness strikes home with me. I have some friends that are trying to perfect a Euro IPA and they used a bunch of Mandarina dry hops and found that the beer actually seemed ‘sweet’, even though they had socked 80+ IBU into those beers. Some hops do impart sweetness and I expect that some hop oils could too.
Ohh that’s legit. Mine was supposed to be 90ibu, but is also pretty sweet. I would say the bitterness is still there, lingering, but I was thinking the mouth would not be he way it is.