Beer brewed with Great Lakes Water

I saw a short video that said all 12 breweries that use Great Lakes water contain micro plastic. That sux.

I bet it’s a lot more widespread than Great Lakes water.  I’ve seen stuff about microbeads appearing in just about all water.  They’re  in so many consumer products, and can’t be removed by water treatment systems, the stuff is showing up in any water source that’s receiving any previously discharged water.  That is, if it ain’t rainwater, it’s got plastic.  Then again,  if it is rainwater, it’s got it’s own menu of toxins,  so …

EDIT  Wait, what, 12 breweries?  Heck, there are that many just in Cleveland …

They didn’t say which breweries. They just said the 12 that use Great Lakes water. It was a project by the U of Minnesota so maybe it just the 12 they tested in Minnesota.

Edit: nope. They were from all over: “Twelve brands of beer were purchased between January and April of 2017. All of the beer manufacturers used municipal water (representing a total of nine municipalities) drawn from one of the five Laurentian Great Lakes. Each brewery was reached by phone or email to confirm their water source. The water treatment facility for each of the nine municipalities was also reached by phone to confirm their water source. Three breweries drew water from Lake Superior, four from Lake Michigan, one from Lake Huron, two from Lake Erie, and two from Lake Ontario (Table 2). Seven brands of beer were purchased from Minneapolis, Minnesota liquor stores, two were purchased directly from breweries in Duluth, Minnesota, and the remaining three were purchased in Alpena, Michigan and Rochester, New York. All beers were packaged in 12- or 16-fluid-ounce aluminum cans, 12-fluid-ounce glass bottles, 64-fluid-ounce glass growlers, or 32-fluid-ounce glass howlers (Table 2).”

Here’s the source for the short video I watched. Anthropogenic contamination of tap water, beer, and sea salt

This makes me wonder whether polyclar is remaining in my beer to any significant extent rather than fully dropping out.

Regarding these beers, this isn’t so much about the breweries but the quality of the municipal water. I’d guess that Coke or Pepsi bottling facilities drawing off the same water supply would run into the same issues as well.

More info…Beer Brewed With Great Lakes Water May Contain Microplastics
