Beer Camp Hoppy Lager

Did I just get a bad batch? I bought a 6 pack last weekend. There’s still 4 left. Tried a bottle twice and couldnt finish a whole 12 ounces either time. I normally really enjoy anything siera nevada. I’m curious if this was a collaboration or something.

They were all collaborations, but brewed by sierra. I had it, but that was last summer. Was it fresh?

I’m working on finishing a 12pk. I think it is just too damn hoppy. It’s balanced and all but it might as well be Celebration. Not really refreshing- as sweet and cloyingly hoppy as it is. :stuck_out_tongue:

I prefer the Summerfest.

Hoppy lager was re-brewed at the Mills River location and released as a seasonal this spring. I had it when we toured the brewery, and was very good in a IPL sort of way.

I think it’s better described as an India Steam Bock.

It was pretty clean and hoppy when I had it at the Mills River facility.

It’s not a bad beer, it’s just hard to drink more than one. In my. Case almost one.

That could be true. I split every bottle in that case with my wife. She’d skewer me if I didn’t. :slight_smile:

I finally found a 12-pack of this beer.

This is more along the lines of what I’d consider a good session IPA. Sure it’s 6%ish, but it’s tasty enough that you can sip on it for a while before going back to another.

Only disappointment is an odd mineral sort of flavor. I noticed in a pack of Oscar Blues Pinner I bought the other day. Wonder if mishandling has degraded the flavors of these beers enough that a mineral taste comes through more…

On a tour of the SN Mills River facility, they said the lagers were being brewed there for now. Really mineral free water that was ideal for many lager styles was given as one reason. 1600 bbl fermenters that they could fill and let lager was another.

Sounds like they brew things a little differently back east. I’m on the left coast and went through 2 cases and want more.
Also, the Chico brew comes in at 7.0%.

Mine said 7% so it must be a chico. I’ll try it again in a couple days. Maybe I just need to man up.

I mis-posted…that was supposed to be in the hop hunter thread…

I enjoyed the BCHL.  I thought it was quite piney, like it had a lot of Chinook or maybe Simcoe (sorry I never looked up the actual hops that might have been used).  I’d buy it again.  Maybe you just don’t like piney hops?

You’re probably right. But there’s still a heaviness issue. It shouldn’t take determination to finish 12 ounces of beer. I dont have to give SNPA any thought, other than “where’d that beer go?” And its not the 7%… I have no problem with Bigfoot… Personally I think its got way too much crystal.

Okay, I looked this up.  The website says:

BITTERING HOPS  Palisade, El Dorado
FINISHING HOPS  Citra, Equinox

I know I don’t like Equinox, although I do like Citra so maybe that carries the whole tune for me.

If it’s the heaviness that concerns you, yeah, I don’t remember how much body it seemed to have.  Nothing memorable for me.  But I guess it could be heavy on the crystal as they do list it (along with Munich and base malts).

Could also be the El Dorado?  A lot of folks say El Dorado can lead to strong sweet candy-like flavors.  I haven’t tasted or used this one yet although I plan to try it in my IPA this summer.

I also could just be wrong.  I’ll give it four more tries, just to be sure. If after that I still don’t like it, then so let it be written.

No I don’t need 4 more. Maybe it is the hops. Now Im getting a nasty lingering artificial sweetener gak that I just cant get past. Made it about 6 oz into this one and had to dump.

Gawd I can’t imagine having one this early. A regular beer yes but you gotta work up to one of these Hoppy Lagers. 8)

Chalk me up as another one who did not care for this beer. It is good if you are trying to cut back on beer drinking, for one bottle of this and I was done for the night.

The whole IPL thing seems like a gimmick to me, anyway.