This forum has a great group of people with a vast amount of knowledge to share with fellow home brewers. Most often, people are very willing to provide responses to questions, share their experiences and opinions, and help home brewers with their problems or with their education of the craft. I was directed to this forum after I had experienced another forum where this was anything but the norm. There were nasty, radical responses and quips at every turn –especially if you disagreed with someone. There is an occasional harsh, condescending, patronizing, or needless terse comment from time to time on this forum. It’s really unfortunate and unnecessary IMO. People come here to learn and to inquire about that which they do not know or have little experience with. Sometimes the post may seem painfully obvious to those reading it, prompting a less than courteous response or comment. Someone’s opinion or claim, albeit wrong, misguided, or not based upon fact should only be met with good spirited debate and direction-not snarky or discourteous comments. This forum should be a place for passionate discussions to develop, and where ultimately sound solutions and answers result for the benefit of both the OP, contributing posters, and the readers. Failing all else, we should never seek to break someone’s spirit for home brewing with comments that make them feel inferior or less than others in the profession. Comment professionally and courteously, or just ignore and keep to yourself if you feel annoyed or bothered – the forum will benefit from the silence.
All true. Although I sorely wanted to throw a rant as a joke.
No one knows the number of responses I have typed and deleted while proof reading. Most often because the comments weren’t constructive and would only have hurt the persons asking the questions. I, for one, very much appreciate the polite discussions on this board.
I agree with all the above but it also has to be remembered that everyone has their own personality and we are all humans.
[obligatory “TL;DR”]
love you guys; sorry if I’m not nice sometimes.
This forum has been a huge resource to me especially compared to the one I frequented prior. I am a constant lurker. I frequently start a post then delete it because I can get over obsessed sometimes…haha
My beers have recently been getting much better as a direct result of things I have learned here. It has taken a long time to get this far and it will take me a lot longer to get where I want but the knowledge I have gained and will continue to gain is invaluable.
Not sure if this was started in response to a recent thread or not but for the most part it seem that everyone is very civil toward each other. Thanks everyone.
i suck at acronyms…TL;DR?
That’s assuming a lot
I know of 2 different boards that I don’t frequent anymore for the same reasons stated above.
on many less friendly forums you type more than 3 sentences and you can expect a “TOO LONG; DIDN’T READ”
My biggest pet peeve is “this has been asked before…search the forum before asking the same question again” While it is good advice, sometimes the search functions don’t provide the results you are looking for.
And it truly hate the “LMGTFY” posts…You go to all the effort to type the search into this website, then post the link on a forum to basically call people lazy.
Bottom line: Rule #1 of the Brewer’s Code - Don’t be a dick!
My biggest pet peeve is “this has been asked before…search the forum before asking the same question again” While it is good advice, sometimes the search functions don’t provide the results you are looking for.
And it truly hate the “LMGTFY” posts…You go to all the effort to type the search into this website, then post the link on a forum to basically call people lazy.
Bottom line: Rule #1 of the Brewer’s Code - Don’t be a dick!
I don’t mind a little good nature razzing…its what we do sometimes. I did chuckle when i got the LMGTFY- it wasn’t meant to be mean in that case.

All true. Although I sorely wanted to throw a rant as a joke.
No one knows the number of responses I have typed and deleted while proof reading. Most often because the comments weren’t constructive and would only have hurt the persons asking the questions. I, for one, very much appreciate the polite discussions on this board.
+2. Same here. This forum overall is fantastic and often pretty funny. But the comments, especially toward newer brewers, needs to be constructive. And the same questions from newer brewers can seem repetitive, but we all started somewhere - extract/extract plus grains for the most part. I just try to pay forward the help that’s been given to me over the years, while learning at the same time.
I try to be respectful when disagreeing, clear what I mean when I’m teasing a poster in a friendly way, and when someone says something I don’t like say something but give them the benefit of the doubt that they just had a bad day. My success rate at doing this is good but not 100%. I find that the regular posters here have been great about owning their crap when they mess up. Just the other day a regular poster got a little testy with an answer and totally got it and fessed up and apologized when called out.
I try to be respectful when disagreeing, clear what I mean when I’m teasing a poster in a friendly way, and when someone says something I don’t like say something but give them the benefit of the doubt that they just had a bad day. My success rate at doing this is good but not 100%. I find that the regular posters here have been great about owning their crap when they mess up. Just the other day a regular poster got a little testy with an answer and totally got it and fessed up and apologized when called out.
great example of being human and then taking care of it…we’ve all been there.
So how long do I boil the yeast?

So how long do I boil the yeast?
^^^^^^ Pretty damn funny.

So how long do I boil the yeast?
well played — good laugh!
I tend to get irritated with the “go join a homebrew club and have them help you” response that seems to be such a default on some boards. I’m fine with encouraging folks to join clubs and seek help from them, but such a reply shouldn’t be the only one. I’m on this forum because I don’t have time to join a homebrew club, yet I’m at a point were the experience of others is really helpful.
I guess my point is “join a club” shouldn’t be the end of the discussion, as it can be on other forums I’ve seen. I don’t get that sort of impression on here.

So how long do I boil the yeast?
That’s a good question. I haven’t been able to find the answer yet. I will keep looking.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with replying with a link noting that it has been discussed without adding anything further.
When I do this I am simply trying to point the OP in a good direction. Any dickishness is perceived by the reader and not implied.
Calling out the OP and pointing out that the search function is there is a dick move.
Amen, Wort-H.O.G.