My beer gas regulator seems to work fine when the tank is full, but when it gets very low, I keep finding there is too much pressure in the keg. I’m shooting for 30-35, but I have found it at 40 and higher.
Is this something other people have experienced, or do I need a new regulator?
This is a J6 series regulator from about 2001, and I’m using it at around 38 degrees. I’ve read the diaphragms can get stiff.
I found a diaphragm kit for $8, but I don’t know if it fits this regulator or how hard it is to install. On the other hand, I can get a new Taprite for $62.
My regulator gauge does read correctly at low tank pressure either but it’s not supplying extra pressure to my kegs so I don’t worry about it. Does your then overcarb your beer at the point you are writing about?
My main regulator started doing wacky things last year. Pressure would drop, then shoot up, generally making random moves. I located a rebuild kit and installed it. The install is simple and straight forward. You just need to unscrew the pressure adjustment screw/bolt/knob and then remove the bell housing. Keep track of the little pieces so you know how they go back in. Mine took about 15 minutes to rebuild. Mostly because I had never taken one apart and went really slow.
There are several different regulator bodies out there so make sure you order a kit that states it supports your make/model.