I am no longer comfortable climbing up on the kitchen counter with 5 gallons of beer to set on a couple milk crates for bottling. So I built a hoist that lifts the bucket from the floor to 24" above the counter top. The hoist then slides back to the cupboards leaving plenty of room. By using 3 pulleys I get a mechanical advantage of 3: 15 lbs of force lifts 45 lbs of beer. The rig folds flat for storage.
I like the cut of your jibe!!
But I also have to ask why you have to bottle this way. Isn’t counter-height sufficient to bottle?
Must be something I’m missing…
When I was younger and more limber I just put the bottling bucket on the counter and bottled kneeling on the floor. Now it is much more comfortable to stand and bottle on the counter. Also I drilled a hole in the bottom of my bucket and use a cut down bung. That way more of the beer ends of in the bottles that when I used a bung on the side.
Wondered if it was something like that. I may steal your hoist idea with some modifications for my mashtun.
Welcome to the forum!
Brilliant! Some thoughtful engineering went into that. ’
Suggestion: Your local hardware store or boat store will have cleats for tying off ropes. One of those will make belaying the rope when you’ve hoisted the bucket a simple matter.