Beer Thirty

Off on hump day. I got up at 1100. Did a few chores. Making Bean soup and browsing the web. Have not eaten a bite all day. But! Must check carbonation in new keg.

Beer Thirty wins. Despite not having eaten that beer went down good. Gonna pull another.

i am a big fan of having a beer on saturday or sunday morning. 7-8 am, throwing eggs, sausage, taters…mmmmm beer

Lucky you!  I’m doing 3 18 hour days in a row.  No time for beer til late Fri.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s 5:00 somewhere!  :wink:

I might not be off until next tues though. :-\ That sucks Denny. Three 18’s in a row! Hope you get paid overtime. ;D Normally I don’t have a drop before midnight due to my schedule.

I don’t have to do anything but relax and read today. Maybe accomplish a few things…

And get drunk.

Indeed I do.  AND I get to see Blue Man Group 3 nights in a row while getting paid to be there!  But it’s a LOT of work…

That’s cool. I’m interested to know if they are the same each performance.


4 “Blue Men” travel with each show and 3 perform each night on a rotating basis.  If you ever get a chance to see the show, you shouldn’t miss it.  I’ve been in the biz a LONG time and it’s one of the most impressive shows I’ve ever seen.

Enjoy your time off!

Beer Thirty is typically about 7pm on Friday night as of lately. This weekend it will likely be the same. I have two gigs, one Friday night and another Sat. night. I usually have one beer per set. Of course it all depends on where I’m performing. If they have any decent craft beer…I’m in.  :slight_smile:

That’s a lot of hours…but at least there’s some reward at the end of the day, in addition to the money of course.

Man, believe it or not, I remember those nights!

You could always break out the Ukulele along with a VBIP…and reminisce.  :slight_smile:

That’s good to hear Denny - taking the family to see 'em in Seattle next Thursday.  First time for all of us.
I was excited to go before - now I’m really stoked!

On Sunday mornings after we polish of the pot of coffee, I like to give my cup a good rinse (or two) with my Billy Shakes Oatmeal Stout.  mmmmmmmm.

My sister got me tickets a few years back. A fantastic show.

Although I felt a bit cheated. They offered a bunch of their songs
for free download and I had them all for several years by the time I saw the show.
So it seemed like an old show to me…Extremely entertaining, but I was hoping to
see new songs…Kind of like when a group tours to promote the new album…

And dont get me wrong, it really was a great show.

I’m not quite sure I want to relive those 5 set, 9 PM-2 AM gigs!

Oh, man, you’re gonna love it!  The finale with the giant color changing balloons floating through the audience is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.  A tip though…if you’re sitting in the first few rows, wear old clothes and a poncho!

I guess you have to be there to enjoy it. I saw a Blue Men show on TV and after 30 minutes I was bored with it. I mentioned about going to one of their shows in Vegas and my wife shot it down. My son had seen one and he said that while it was fun he’d never go to another one. To each their own, I guess.

I guess.  I saw them on TV years back and loved them. I’ve seen them on TV several times since and always been impressed with their artistry, humor, and technology.  The live show just reinforced that.