So I came across a 1762 packet, but have never attempted any type of Belgian. Anyone have a recipe I might be able to take a swing at? This time of year ought work great for fermentation temperature, so I figured why not. Thanks.
I did a dark strong once with dark cherries in secondary that was awesome for winter nights. Wife loved it.
Here’s a good place to start: Beer, Mead and the Best Beer Recipes from the National Homebrew Competition
Several books have recipes: Brewing Classic Styles, Modern Homebrew Recipes, Brewing Better Beer; lots of others.
Here’s a recipe for a dubbel that I did a few months ago that turned out well:
11.5# Belgian Pilsner malt
0.5# Carared
0.5# Special B
0.5# aromatic malt
1.0# D-180 candi syrup
1.5 oz Styrian Golden 3.2% 60 minutes
1.5 oz Styrian Golden 3.2% 20 minutes
Mash at 152* 60 minutes
90 minute boil
I used WLP540 and got good results. Popular brew with my friends.
I would start with the AHA site, in addition to what others here might add.
That’s one of my favorite strains for Dubbel and Quad. Here’s a Dubbel recipe I used with 1762. It’s pretty simple and tasty.
23 IBU Hallertau (60 min)
75% Belgian Pils
5% Special B
5% Aromatic
15% D180 syrup
Mash 149F/ 90 mins
Hold @ 64F for 48 hours, then slow ramp up to upper 70s until FG. There you go !
Thanks everyone! My LHBS carries most of that although I may have to run to Portland for the Belgian Pils. Thanks for the fermentation schedule Jon, it’s always good to head down a path already travelled when making your first pass.
If you can’t find Belgian malts, use German. I personally prefer Castle Pils, but I can’t get it locally. I sub with Weyermann which is fine.
Speaking from limited experience (1 Belgian extract/steeping grains brew and 1 all grain in primary now) i’d keep it simple.
Use Pils and Pale malts for a base with maybe some Munich/Caramunich for good measure (small amounts). Add Dark syrup to taste depending on style.
+1 on anything from Weyermann.