This si one I’ve made a few times that gets good reactions. I kinda went with the theory of American IPA with Belgian yeast. I really like the way the tartness of the Ardennes yeast plays with the hops.
1.00 oz. Cascade (homegrown) Whole 8.10 7.9 First WH
1.00 oz. Summit Pellet 18.00 55.0 60 min.
1.00 oz. Centennial Whole 8.60 18.4 30 min.
1.00 oz. Amarillo Whole 8.90 9.0 10 min.
1.00 oz. Cascade (homegrown) Whole 8.10 0.0 0 min.
1.00 oz. Cascade (homegrown) Whole 8.10 0.0 Dry Hop
1.00 oz. Amarillo Whole 7.30 0.0 Dry Hop
WYeast 3522 Belgian Ardennes
Mash Schedule
Mash Name:
Total Grain Lbs: 17.50
Total Water Qts: 24.00 - Before Additional Infusions
Total Water Gal: 6.00 - Before Additional Infusions
Tun Thermal Mass: 0.13
Grain Temp: 65.00 F
Step Rest Start Stop Heat Infuse Infuse Infuse
Step Name Time Time Temp Temp Type Temp Amount Ratio
sacc 0 60 152 152 Infuse 168 24.00 1.37
Total Water Qts: 24.00 - After Additional Infusions
Total Water Gal: 6.00 - After Additional Infusions
Total Mash Volume Gal: 7.40 - After Additional Infusions
All temperature measurements are degrees Fahrenheit.
All infusion amounts are in Quarts.
All infusion ratios are Quarts/Lbs.