2/ If the SO4:Chloride is in ppm, you need to back off to maybe half those amounts. Martin has posted that you run the risk of a minerally beer when you have sulfate and chloride both over 100 ppm.
3/ I don’t think the saison strain will work best here. Saison yeasts attenuate to very low FG (like 1.004 and under) and the lack of body caused by such a low FG might not support an IPA hop load. IMO WY 3522 is an excellent strain to use here.
Personally, I find that any Belgian-style yeast clashes with typical IPA-level hopping, especially if you have an abrasive bitterness. But I do agree that a super-dry saison yeast would be especially rough. Personally, I think the Duvel strain (WLP570) works best for Belgian IPA’s. I still try to keep the IBUs at 50 or less, from a clean bittering hop. For me, the best Belgian IPA’s take advantage of the ester profile of the yeast in combination with the flavor of the hops, with only just enough bitterness to provide balance and a crisp finish.
I think Citra/Mosaic would be a good combo. Any hops with citrus, stonefruit or tropical notes play nice with Belgian yeast. Your late hopping rate is on the low end for me, but should work. Double the whirlpool and/or dry hop quantities would be better.
I don’t make Belgian IPAs anymore for that reason. Of the ones I made, I found that 3522 fermented fairly cool made the best one by far, as its esters were subtle and balanced. I didn’t use the Duvel strain though.
DePont yeast could work well with a juice/New England IPA if you don’t try to drive the gravity down. I would still look at lowering the amount of Warrior to reduce IBUs. Sulfate and chloride levels are fine for the style.
saison yeast ipa reason : i make only pale ale, IPA, saison, when i was make Galaxy saison
that aroma is really nice. i want try make saison yeast ipa. but i know saison yeast make low-FG and clashes bitterness and FG(yeast effect)
i think O.G’s 1.065(and FG 1.014~015), IBUs 60~70
and i was mistake, i wrote mash temp :65, actually i would write mash temp : 68
erockrph// i have experiences of Belgian ipa’s 8 times, and used WLP570 or bastogne yeast or witbier yeast.
i tried test for spring and summer(1. effect of mash temp on FG, Fix condition: saison(wlp566) yeast, made 5L, gravity .065/ 2. choosed mash temp figure, they can balance with FG and IBU / 3. choosed one figure of 2. experiment and try comparative experiment with WLP570, WLP400, WLP510) and 3 repeat
changed conditions(mash temp) : 60C/63C/65C/68C/70C ->average value of result, i choose 65, 68, 70, because 65C,s fg .012 / 68, 70C’s fg .014~15), 60~63C is very low FG(1.00X~1.010)
changed conditions(IBU, but used bitterness hop fix : warior(co-houmlone less than others), but i can’t calculating IBU, instead Beer smith app use for IBU’s calculate) , IBU(IBU/OG) :50(0.77)/55(0.85)/60(0.92)/65(1.0)/70(1.08)/75(1.16), and mash temp(make times) 65C(3times)/68(3)/70(3)
→ i choosed mash temp 68C, IBU60, because that taste little bitter and smooth texture
2-1. but i try other test, fixed mash temp(68) and change condition(IBU/OG : 0.80/0.85/0.9/0.95/1.00)
and tasted 0.80~0.95 are fine(0.80& 0.85 : smooth, 0.90&0.95 : little bitter, but 1.00 is worse than other taste)
fixed conditions : OG .065, IBU/OG : 0.95, FG: .014 / controled condtions : Yeast and mash temp
because make beer for FG .014, saison yeast’s mash temp 68, but other yeast’s mash temp 65(if mashing in 68C, that beer’s FG is 016~018), that purpose is differnce aroma, texture, taste, flavor
because check merit of saison yeast’s IPA better than other yeast
me and my friends(beer geeks, normal) write review
choose WLP 570 and saison yeast
have one intested : choosed WLP570=like west coast ipa / choosed saison yeast=like east coast
but both wlp 570 and saison y are complex, but we can choice only belgian ipaS(saison Y, golden ale Y, witbier Y,) some people thinks WLp570 is clearly than saison yeast
but one dangerous point : tasters have 6 guy, result of no. 3 test can make Generalization error
and i try that, and check flavor, aroma, taste, etc
thx reply
and my english is not well, reading is very difficult
It was pre-coffee when I posted. Yeah, I use high sulfate levels in IPAs all the time, so I should’ve recommended to drop the chloride back a bit ( or drop the sulfate a bit and keep the chloride as is for NE IPA). I still take Martin’s advice not to have both >= 100ppm. Each his own.
i have try test between wihte lab saison, farmhouse yeast
belgian saison 1&2, french saison, american farmhouse bret blend(fixed condition: og .060 / same recipe, mash shcedule, fermentation time&temperature / don’t use arma hops)
i think belgian saison2 and french saison can good harmony with new-hops