I’ve been searching for an all grain clone for Bell’s Java Stout with no luck. Does anybody have one? Or even better, does anybody have a copy July/August 2003 issue of Zymurgy that could be PDF’d?
I you are an AHA member you can view that issue on line.
I thought that they were all archived, but I couldn’t find them.
Ok, found the issue…but still any advise on a Java Stout recipe would be great.
I don’t know how they process the coffee, probably cold and add to the secondary. Someone with more of an idea can correct that.
They do use coffee from Water Street Coffee across the street.
Well, I emailed Bell’s for some insight…They did me a solid with some nice information.This was their reply…
Hi Frank. Sorry for the delay getting back to you on this. Here’s what I can tell you: the mix of coffee comes from Water Street Coffee, but is pretty tight lipped. I would make at least part of the blend a pretty aggressive flavored coffee. I would crush the beans and add around ½ lb. to a 5 gallon batch after primary fermentation subsides (maybe in a secondary).
As far as the recipe goes, I’d put together a nice stout with plenty of chocolate malt, maybe half of that amount roasted barley, and about half that amount black malt. Give it some good body with some munich and flaked malts as well as a bit of medium crystal (60L ish). Shoot for a gravity of 1.075 or so. Hops are just enough to balance sweetness. Something neutral. A neutral yeast as well.
I hope that helps.
Nice! I love it when a big brewery is willing to share these kinds of details. Especially in this manner, where they’re not just shelling out a clone recipe, but are giving you a bit more insight into the thought process behind a recipe. Thanks for sharing!