Best bitter water profile

Brewing a best bitter tomorrow.  I’m a long time Bruunwater user-thanks Martin- but Im a little leery of the Pale Ale profile on this one.  Does anyone have experience with this?  Is that amount of sulfate OK on this style?


While the Pale Ale profile with its 300 ppm sulfate content could be fine for a Bitter, you might want to start at a lesser content until you understand where your preference lies.  At a minimum, I recommend at least 100 ppm sulfate for that style and I think you’ll find that roughly double that content is still desirable.

So the PA profile with 200 ppm sulfate?  Would you change any other mineral levels?

Really depends on what you want the mouthfeel and dryness to be. I have had good luck with 200ppm sulfate and anywhere from 50-100ppm chloride.  Lower for dryer, higher for “sweeter”.

I like this profile for bitters:

50-100 ppm Ca, 0-15 ppm Mg, 20-40 ppm Na, 100-150 ppm sulfate, 50-80 ppm Chloride

If starting with soft water, just gypsum and sea salt/canning salt can be used.

Calcium chloride is a better option than salt.