Best Days To Brew?

Wow, I bought the Farmer’s Almanac yesterday… its loaded with “Best Days” for several things and one of them is best days to brew.  It says February there are No Good Days for brewing… I hope its wrong because I already have and I’m going to again!   :smiley:

Does it give any sort of reason?

Its based on lunar position and the zodiac I think.  I know that some things it says are best days for are true, like days to dig post holes.  This is going to sound a bit off but have you ever dug post holes and wondered why after setting the post and filling it back in with the dirt taken out that there just doesn’t seem to be enough dirt to fill the hole… even with the post in there?!  But if you do it when the moon is in the right position, you’ll have dirt leftover.  I think it has to do with moisture, when the moon is closer to the earth it influences the tide, it also influences the ground water level, saturation levels.   :wink:

They got it backwards…it’s a best day WHEN you brew  ;D

Yeh, well I’m going to try brewing on the days it says are best just to see what if anything different happens.  ;D

This batch I just made is kinda one off… I expected 11 gallons of wort after the boil and ended up with only 10… split into two carboys equally… one is working while one seems more finicky.  :-\  They both smell Awesome though!!  ;D

For me, the best DAYS to brew are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Oh, and Wednesdays are good too. :slight_smile:



any day ending in Y

Any day that ends in ‘y’ and I have yeast ready.

Retirement is not so bad!

I dare the GODS!!!

I’m teaching a homebrew class saturday. 50 plus participants signed up. The book is wrong my friend.


Any day will do and I will brew.

How many brewed in February and how did your numbers come out?  I made several batches and to be honest my volumes were off everytime.  One batch I brewed to be a 6 gallon batch but I barely got 4 into the fermenter and my gravity was still lower than I expected.  :o

Not in Feb for me. Every time plans were made they got disrupted. Last Friday for example: made plans to brew up some Bitter and got called into work. After I left there- went and got a RO unit as consolation…  8)

Soonest I can brew again with grain is Wednesday. But it’ll probably have to be next weekend.

i brewed 35 gal. in feb. man i sure hope they turn out. :-\

Let’s see, I brewed 3 times in Feb.
The first one, was low on the gravity by close to 10 points.  Was a little embarrassing because I was showing someone how to brew - their ingredients, my system).
The second one, was high by about 8.  Had a realllly long lag time though
The third, was down by 2.  Just did that yesterday, so we’ll see how it turns out.

So, overall, I’d say that Feb wasn’t a bad month for brewing!