Home stretch before Christmas. Anyone squeezing a holiday brew into the middle of the crazy times?
I’m planning to brew an American Brown Ale next week. I’m on vacation all of next week so I may get in a couple of batches.
not this weekend, but hoping to get a brew in before my vacation is over. Partigyle wheatwine-super saison thing and hefeweizen.
For all my neighbors who have wanted to brew with me, I’m hosting “Man Day”. We’ll start around 1:00PM and brew a Steam Beer. The starter is swirling away now. We’ll then move to “Parents Day” and invite the wives for the aftter beer festivities. Should be a lot of fun! Got about a dozen coming.
At the risk of sounding like someone who’s lived in Cali for too long, I’d urge more gender neutrality in your names. (yes, I’m apparently that guy)
After years of trying to figure out how to make both homebrewing and craftbrewing more attractive to women, the answer seems to mostly be… “don’t make it such a boy zone”. That and stop recommending only fruity sweet beers!
This is a good opportunity to talk about this. We’re seeing a titanic shift in the beer world because people have started to focus on promoting the taste factor and it’s working with more and more people of both genders joining in. One of our locals here has started having “Women’s Beer Nights” with educational classes and they’re a raging success, selling out, etc. Run by one of the women behind the brewery, for women, with a focus on finding flavors people like.
The other way to think of it - if the spouse get into it, more brewing time for everyone!
Nothing this weekend, but hopefully an APA and a Baltic Porter next week.
I am off next week so I’m going to try to squeeze 3 brews in: baltic porter, belgian pale ale and a german pilsner.
Not brewing, but still trying to squeeze in some work.
Transferring/dry hopping 10g BIPA
Bottling 2.5g RIS
Bottling 5g Bock if time allows.
I need to bottle an Export stout and possibly a Hefe weizen- this might go in the keg. Then I maybe brew up an Abby and a Frambois. I may just make Sunday an all brew-day!
- eleventy billion Drew.
No brewing this week. Kegs to repair and lots of cleaning to do.
I’ve been so busy working that I haven/t had time to start any yeast and all my slurries are used up. Next brew day looks like 1/6 so I’m cranking up some 1728 to make a Wee Shroomy to take to NHC in June.
No brewing this week. Labeling and gifting, making room in the service freezer for the Schwarzbier and Steve Urquell that are coming around. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
I think Monday I’ll brew something up since I have the day off. Maybe an APA or hoppy amber…
Plan to get a big English Barleywine in on Friday, a Check Pils on Saturday or Monday, and a German pils mid week. The CAP might have to wait until late next week.
No brewing this weekend, going to the inlaws (with beer of course). Will probably brew over New Year’s weekend with a friend who wants to check out all grain.
I don’t know if I want the wife in the brewing area Drew. She’d probably be following me around picking up after me, cleaning stuff, and putting things away. On second thoght, maybe it’s not such a bad idea…
No brewing for me, I’ll be in Portland. Again. I know it’s an awesome place, but sometimes I get sick of the slog.
Next week off. Hopefully 3 brews. AB clone, THA, an all Galaxy AIPA.
I was going to brew Monday with my brother in law, visiting from N.C., but then I found out that he is no longer drinking due to liver problems, so I don’t want to tease him too much.
I could still brew something Saturday or even Christmas day. Perhaps a Rye IPA, half with Belgian yeast….
I’m off work until Jan.4th, so tomorrow it’ll be a Vanilla Porter and on New Year’s Day I plan on either an American Barley Wine or IIPA (still undecided).