I am looking for recipe inspiration to explore new ingredients in my beers. I have several books that contain what I would consider vetted recipes I have been using so far, but am hoping to find more. I would like to find a recipe database that provides some sort of indication if a recipe can be trusted / tried and true / vetted somehow (I’m trying not to say professionally designed). I would just like to know I can be confident that a recipe I am looking at is… not someone else’s mistake they never deleted, or has been tested across multiple unbiased pallets and determined to be above average, or designed by someone who has proven they consistently create beers that pass as above average. I don’t mind putting up a small fee to get behind a paywall for such services, but thought I might check here and find what people are happy with first.
I don’t know if it’s the best but I really like Captain Brew. You can browse the public recipes and you can also create your own recipes which will either be public or private based on how you set it. You don’t have to set up an account to browse the public recipes but I think you do to create recipes. These do not have a mechanism to tell you if the recipe has been brewed multiple times, brewed by multiple brewers, whether the recipe is solid or not. In some ways I feel that’s up to the brewer (and viewer of the recipe) to decide and I’m not sure I have seen that on ANY site although the AHA recipes do have reviews, IIRC. Check it out.
There used to be a great one here, but it was seldom used so the AHA eliminated it to cut costs. You can find a Wayback version here…Wayback MachineSite Not Found
Have you checked out the recipe section on HomebrewersAssociation.org? Most are National Homebrew Competition winners, commercial clones, or recipes from Zymurgy magazine and Brewers Publications that are brewed and reviewed by technical editors.
Wow Denny, nice link, Poking around there I see some of these have been used in competition and even have judges comments. I have been looking for an example of English mild with brown malt, and found two here! Thanks! Also, I brewed a rye Pale ale six months ago, and your rye ipa was the inspiration for my hop bill, it’s flavor and aroma turned out exceptional. Cheers!