Looking for Pro-Breweries that post recipes online for homebrewers

What’s up Forum-folk?

I think it’s pretty cool when commercial breweries post clone recipes of their brews for homebrewers to try making at home. For example Avery Brewing Co posts quite a few of their recipes that can be accessed, no questions asked.

I was wondering if you guys knew of any other breweries that do something similar? Ideally, I want to write a post for HomebrewersAssociation.org that compiles some of these instances so they are all in one convenient place.

I’d appreciate any leads!


They don’t post their recipes online, but one of Fort Worth’s  local breweries, Rahr and Sons, teams up with our LHBS to make clones of their beers. I have their Winter Warmer clone in the fermentor right now.

Stone vertical epics, deschutes has all the ingredients with none of the measurements, some will email over a brew log if requested (would need to scale down). I think it is getting harder as the industry is getting more competitive, especially beers of high regard.

Modern Times has all their recipes on their website adjusted to 5 gallon home-brew batches.

Ranger Creek in San Antonio has all their core beers on their website.

Here’s one from Alysian Brewery in WA state. The site has one recipe up with a note “more to come.”


More in this thread from a few weeks ago

The Brewing Network used to air a show called “Can you Brew it”.  Not sure if there is a database of the recipes they got from brewers, I remember seeing some posted on other forums at one point.  You could always listen to the shows I suppose.

There were a few BN forum members that put the effort into posting the recipes as they were read on air. I was always irritated that the BN didn’t simply post the recipes on the show page.

Did the recipes actually come from breweries or were they someone’s guess at what the brewery did?

Duncan, I don’t know if it will help you, but the book “Craft Beer for the Homebrewer” has recipes straight from the breweries.

Many times they would interview a brewer. Sometimes, especially arrogant bastard, all they would get is specs and “maybes”

And some brewers would go “Full Kimono”, as Jamil always liked to say.

They would typically interview the brewer and get the recipe and process details directly from them. They would then scale the recipe to homebrew size, brew it, and do taste test with the commercial example to determine “cloned” or “not cloned”.

Some brewers give the full recipe minus their proprietary yeast, some give hints on some ingredients. Most give percentages when giving the recipe. Many name their hops and give IBUs, but dont give amounts or timing. The most thorough and open that I remember is John from rogue. Nothing to hide, but still n o t easy to pefectly clone I guess.

I read your article on breweries that post their recipes. Good job, fun to read.


I believe there is also a list of all the CYBI recipes on HBT.

http://www.madtreebrewing.com/home.html in Cincinnati lists their recipes on the info page for each beer.

Recipes for a few Dogfish Head beers are in Sam’s homebrewing book - Extreme Brewing. A local shop that helped DFH get started sells kits for all of the recipes.