I’m looking to dry hop with pellet hops in my secondary glass carboy (5 gallon).
What is the best procedure to do this, should I use a musslin hop bag or just drop them into the carboy and then siphion out the beer into a keg once the dry hopping is done?
After I dry hop do I have to let the beer sit and condition again before I keg the beer? If so can I siphion the beer and let it just sit in the keg?
3. Does dry hopping make the beer cloudy after the process is complete?
4. How long should you dry hop? I’m dry hopping a pale ale with Cascade hops, I was planning on a 7 day dry hop?
You can skip the secondary and go straight to the keg. Suspend the hops in the keg in a hop bag. 4-6 days is about right for dry hopping. Dry hopped beers can be a little hazy.
Follow Tygo’s advice and dry hop in the keg, or just dry hop in primary. There really is no reason to transfer to secondary, unless you plan to do a secondary fermentation (fruit or such).
If you dry hop in the keg, use a small sack or tea ball and suspend them in the keg (most people use unflavored dental floss).
If you dry hop in primary, you can just toss them in, and by day 6 or so, they will be down at the bottom with the trub, and you can just rack to the keg.
The beer is always conditioning. If it is done, it can go right into the keg. If it isn’t done, wait to dry hop until it is.
dry hopping makes the beer cloudy. That’s what it does.
I usually like to dry hop for 7 days, because it is easy. anywhere from 4-7 days should be fine.
My recommendation is to dry hop at the end of primary. Any simplification of the process is desirable. It might require skimming of krausen if you get the occasional ferment where it inexplicably lingers around for a couple weeks even though the beer has completely fermented.
+1 to just adding them to the primary. I don’t keg, so I line my bottling bucket with a sanitized paint strainer bag to catch any hop debris that makes it through my autosiphon when I rack.
To be honest, that night not even be necessary if you really want to simplify things. I’ve dry-hopped on top of a pretty thick krausen (with whole leaf hops, no less) with no apparent ill effect. The oils in the hops broke up the krausen after a day or so. Hop aroma was just fine in the finished beer, but this was at 3oz/3gallons of dry hops. I don’t know if dry hopping on top of krausen would decrease hop aroma if you’re using a smaller amount of dry hops.
Would it be beneficial to dry hop in the primary once fermentation is complete and then rack to a secondary to clarify the beer? I should be ready to dry hop this weekend, thanks to all for the advice.
IMO, no
Hop aroma and flavor is best when fresh so ideally you package the beer immediately after the period of dry hopping is done.
You can either rack to secondary, allow to clear and then dry hop or leave it in primary to clear, dry hop and then package-I prefer the latter as its one less move:)
You will have cloudy beer if it is dry hopped. Don’t worry about it. Go get a really nice dry hopped IPA that has been in the bottle for a couple weeks, and compare it to a freshly dry hopped and kegged IPA that you made at home. The cloudy Homebrew IPA is going to be better, because the beer is fresher. Don’t worry about the clarity of dry hopped beers, it’s only beer.
I just dry hopped a beer and went straight from the primary to bottles. There is a fair amount of yeast and hop sediment at the bottom that I would love to limit to a degree. Thanks for the suggestion erockrph.