What is your thought on how to dumb down your dortmunder recipe so your friends may like it. Less bitterness of less hop flavor or a touch of both.
I hope the beer gods do not have access to lighting. Just saying.
What is your thought on how to dumb down your dortmunder recipe so your friends may like it. Less bitterness of less hop flavor or a touch of both.
I hope the beer gods do not have access to lighting. Just saying.
What exactly are we talking about here?
Assuming that your using a Dortmunder water profile? Softer water perhaps. Less minerals in your water might round out some of those hop flavors.
“Dumb down a Dortmunder?” Are you talking about someone from Dortmund? Lots of beer sure makes me dumber, so just get them drunk.
i would hop it a little more like a helles
I don’t think that reducing the minerallyness of the water will have much effect. Balance is a hallmark of this style, so I’m hoping that the example in question didn’t have too much bitterness. Backing off the bittering addition might be an option if it was a little too bitter. Another big player can be when the mash and wort pH are a little too high. In either case, tannins from the mash or rough hop flavor can be contributed to the finished beer. If brewing with a water with high alkalinity, that could be a source of the problem.
A Dortmunder is a pretty mild style, with low hop levels accentuated by relatively high sulfate concentrations. Like Martin said, if you aren’t dealing with a basic brewing problem like carbonate, pH or high tannin extraction, but are getting harsh bitterness, you are probably too high in the IBU or sulfate range.