Big Brew Day

We got ten brewers together on Big Brew Day saturday and brewed a combined 70gal.  Three clubs were represented, it was a great time.  We had a few party crashers, you know a party is going well when people crash your party.

Anyone else participate?

I usually hold a big event, but this year I just didn’t have the energy.  But a friend and I got together and each brewed.

We had our brew day at the local homebrew shop.  It was fun, but the weather was not agreeing.  It was kind of cold, raining off and on, and pretty windy.  My canopy went on a little flight and broke… In the process spilling 6 gallons of 180F sparge water on someone’s leg.  A big heavy tent also blew over during the event… I don’t believe any beer was harmed… lol

We had 4 of our club members brew in the parking lot of our host and LHBS, A&G Homebrew Supply in downtown Portsmouth, NH.  I had just flown back from Ireland the day before so there was no way I was going to haul all my stuff up there and brew, but I did go to help out.  The weather was perfect, all four brewers did all-grain (2 were BIAB) and afterwards we had a couple pints at Earth Eagle Brewings (same building and owner of the LHBS).

Our club got together at a member’s farm; we had 27 brewers brew 141 gallons of beer, 128 of which was a Belgian Quad that we’re fermenting in bourbon barrels.