Biggest mistake I ever made:(

Long frustrating day!  Was making a Czech pils on my EHERMS 12lbs wyermann floor malted pils of which I never used before. I use 1.75qts/lb and recirculate at .25 to .50 gpm. Never ever had an issue even with adjuncts. For some strange reason I developed a stuck recirculation about 30 min in. Stupid me decided to open the valve on my “pump out” thinking it would maybe jar lose some possible bits of grain stuck in the groves…well needless to say it didn’t budge and stopped completely. Couldn’t get it going had to dump and clean out false bottom. I also assumed my crush was a bit smaller but nope was not had to start over and low and behold the same thing happened.  Made it through it after 12 hrs O this was a decoction also. Looks like I created a divot in the bottom of my 15 gal blichmann causing my false bottom to sag just enough to possible cause future stuck sparge and recirculation.  Anyone ever had this happen?  I am perplexed and don’t know what to do except for extending the single support bar a bit.
I am embarrassed I did this broke out in a cold sweat when I saw it.

Nope.  That doesn’t qualify as a mistake.  Rather it was production maladies until the equipment failure issue was detected.  Sorry, no suggestions but I feel your pain.

I’m, like, what? Is that a dinosaur fetus in the top left corner?

Makes since now. thats why i broke out in a cold sweat! It was a demon on my shoulder the entire day :-.. Thats really funny nice !

Not really sure what I’m looking at in the picture but I’m interested to know what caused this problem.  I just bought my 3rd Blichmann kettle (10 gallon) and will be using the false bottom and RIMS Rocket with it.  How fine do you crush?

Looks like a dent.

Absolutely hilarious…although your system malfunction is NOT!

I noticed the sack of Weyermann Bohemian floor malted Pilsner malt got pretty solid in the run off but my run off didn’t get stuck, it just was a bit slower (single infused batch sparge at 150f).  I may use some rice hulls next time, because I like my current mill settings and the efficiency I am getting.  I don’t like to alter the crush when it is in a sweet spot.

It’s a good size dent for sure and the pic is of the bottom of the kettle. My crush is .035 with filler Gage’s. Have had it that way for years no worries. Must have been the floor malted pils I suppose. I just screwed up by throttling the valve all the way open causing to much pressure of which caused a big enough dent to bow the false bottom.
I gently hammered the dent back along with placing an extension on the “post” on the false bottom. We will see come next batch.