Biscuits - need help!

I’m not the best cook in the world although I’d say I’m not the worst either.  But one thing that has always eluded me is biscuits.  So, I’m appealing to you for a good recipe and some good advice on how to make light, fluffy biscuits.  I make excellent flour based hockey pucks but nothing that would qualify as a biscuit.

I’m making chicken stew for supper and I thought biscuits would be a great partner.
I’d prefer to go from scratch (flour) instead of using Bisquick or something like that (because I don’t have any and am not going to town today).


Some of the best biscuits right here:

The most important thing with biscuits, like pie crust, is to not over mix. mix with a spoon and as little as possible. just this will help alot. if you devlop the gluten the biscuits will be tough.

White Lily Flour

+1 This is the secret, plus plenty of butter or shortening. If you are gonna do it right don’t skimp on the fat.

I prefer drop biscuits but when cutting I use a sharp knife after rolling out and make square or rectangular biscuits that rise beautifully.

I wasn’t going to town for buttermilk so I tried a drop biscuit recipe. It was too wet and they stuck so I also did a regular one too and the bottoms burnt. I think the drops tasted better and I will do it again with less liquid. I will also try the Alton Brown recipe soon.

Since the biscuits were wet, and since you probably own a scale for brewing, you could try a recipe that measures flour by weight.  - Or, my mom mixes the fats and then shorts the water - adding a little more if needed just until it holds together. Stop when you think you’re almost there.

If you do not have buttermilk you can substitute regular milk with a little (maybe .5 tsp) of white vinegar added. Do this first thing and let it sit on the counter while you prepare everything else.

Alton Brown had his grandma on the episode “The Dough Also Rises.”

Check out her technique.

Oh yeah, and using your hands can melt the fat if you don’t work quickly enough. Do yourself a favor and use a fork or a pastry cutter.