BJCP 2015 Guidelines - American Rye

Hello all.  I have a question on the BJCP 2015 guidelines for american rye beers.  I used to enter my american rye in the 2008 american wheat/rye category.  I’ve never used any wheat in these beers and was never dinged for not using wheat.

2015 guidelines state “American rye beers should be entered in the Alternative Fermentables specialty category”.  I just received results for my american rye entered in the alternative fermentables category in a comp using the 2015 guidelines and both score sheets dinged me for not using any wheat with statements like “no wheat flavor”, “lacks wheat characters”, “different category??”, “very clear for a wheat style beer”, “no bready wheat character”, “out of place with a wheat ale base”.

The beer won a gold medal so I’m very happy and not sour-graping, but should I consider using wheat malt with my american rye beers or am I misunderstanding something?  Are there different expectations for american rye beers now with the updated guidelines?  Thanks for any feedback!

Likely when you entered it, you did not specify that it is a rye beer.  When the judges aren’t given that info, they assume it is a wheat beer, and judge it as such.

Sometimes the competition software doesn’t let you specify.  In those cases, you should contact the organizer prior to entering, so that that info makes it into the judges’ hands.

Hope this sheds a little light on it-

Thanks santoch!  I entered the beer in the Alternative Fermentables specialty category, listing rye as the specialty grain and american wheat as the base style (since it used to be the american wheat/rye category and I couldn’t think of any other base style).  Both scoresheets have “rye in place of wheat” written by the judges on the “specialty ingredients” line, which is exactly what I entered when I registered the beer.

Should I have ignored entering a base style and just called it an american rye beer with no mention of American Wheat Beer as a base style?

Yes, that’s probably what confused them, although you saying “rye in place of wheat” tells me they should not have looked for wheat when judging this beer.  That should have been clear enough on its own.  Perhaps explicitly writing “x% rye, y% pils malt” or whatever you used will help prevent this in the future.