Style help for American Wheat/Rye

Hello all, I plan on submitting an American Wheat style beer for the NHC next month and wanted to know that if I have some of my grist as rye do I need to submit it as an American RYE?? It is around 12% rye.


Submit in Category 6D - American Wheat or Rye Beer.  If you look at that style description, you’ll see “THE BREWER SHOULD SPECIFY IF RYE IS USED; IF NO DOMINANT GRAIN IS SPECIFIED, WHEAT WILL BE ASSUMED.”  so you should specify that rye is used.

Thanks for the reply. So I should submit it as an American Wheat with Rye being used.


Only if the rye is evident - if the rye can’t be tasted then you’ll lose points for that.  You’ve really got to taste your beer and decide which category it fits best.  It’s being judged for what it tastes like, not what you wanted it to taste like.

At 12% rye malt I would think it would have a noticeable rye flavor. Taste it after it’s been brewed and choose.

Thanks for the heads up. Brewed it yesterday and first time using Rye in any beer. What should I notice in the taste?