BJCP Certified Stout Competition Announced

I just received a notification from our local brewery about a Stout Only competition if anyone is interested in participating. They are confirmed with Dave Houseman for BCJP certification. Rules below:

Pagosa Brewing & Grill
Stout-Only Homebrew Competition
for Stout Month 2013
(Sorry, professionally experienced brewers excluded)

In conjunction with our upcoming Stout & Chops Month in February 2013, we are challenging Stout Lovers to create a homebrewed Stout to help us celebrate.

In 2012, we offered 16 different Stouts (8 in-house & 8 guest). The winning homebrewer will have the opportunity to join us and brew a full sized 6bbl batch of their Stout recipe, which will be featured for Stout Month 2013.  The winning brewer will also receive a $50 gift card & bragging rights.


  1. Entries must be Stouts (no Porters, Black IPAs, Black Lagers, etc.)
  2. Entry must be under 8% ABV.
  3. This is an AHA sanctioned competition & BJCP style guidelines will be used for judging: BJCP 2008 Style Guidelines - Category 13
  4. Creativity of ingredients is encouraged, but not required.
  5. All entries must be delivered by Friday, 1/4/13 to Pagosa Brewing.
  6. For each entry, three 12 oz. bottles are required.
  7. Entries need to be labeled with names, styles & any necessary info.
  8. Participants cannot have professional brewing experience.
  9. Brewers cannot use our house yeast.
  10. All winning recipes will be considered Pagosa Brewing recipes, and at our discretion may (or may not) be brewed by us in the future.

For questions, please email:

Good Luck & Happy Brewing!

Pagosa Brewing & Grill
Attn:  Stout Month
118 North Pagosa Blvd.
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

Tony is great.  Do you think the winner will be able to brew with him?

Don’t you mean “Tony is GGGRRREEEAAATTT”

I assume this is all stout styles, as long as they are under 8%?