Smallish, local club comp, 99 entries
My Doppelganger Doppelbock (Denny’s bacth 434 I believe) took second place of 5 Bock/Amber entries
My version of Martin’s BruN Dry stout took Honorable Mention of 7 stout entries (first was Imperial, Sweet 2nd, and an Oatmeal took third)
No score sheets yet, judging was on Saturday. Pretty happy for, essentially, my first competition entries.
Big thanks out to both Denny and Martin for all the help they provide here and the delicious recipes I attempted to brew!
Thanks Jon, I will update with scores when I get them. It will not likely be until next club meeting (third Friday of June) as they stated nothing will be mailed out as it was a club only competition. Hoping I did the recipes justice and scored well.
The doppelbock had me scared, I tried 3 bottles on Friday night and all were way undercarbed; I had tried a couple a couple weeks prior and found them to be overcarbed. No idea what happened there, but I can only assume that the bottles I sent were close to proper levels. Brewed day was March 3rd from a gamma sealed bucket that had been sitting with all grains un-milled since fall 2015! Glad I finally got around to brewing it. Not ideal, but I guess it turned out well enough for second place. It beat out another doppelbock, but lost to a Dunkels Bock.
The stout was brewed February 15th. In the end, neither entry was likely at its peak, with the stout being on the older side and the doppelbock only getting about 3 weeks at 35° for lagering. The rest of that batch is still sitting at 35° for as long as it lasts
As I originally said, Thank You Denny, and Martin! No hardware for the comp, just 1-3rd places got recognition. The stout got Honorable mention listed after 3rd place, so I assume it placed 4th, as no other entries got HM