I have some Castle Belgian Pilsner on hand, and some Amarillo
How would a blonde smash be?
Keep it low ABV and you’ll have a lovely breakfast beer, or don’t and you’ll have a really mellow day.
After all, you can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.
I’ve decided I really like Blondes with some noble hops. A friend did one with Saaz and it was a winner, and Blonde is not a style I often like.
I’m shooting for 4.5%
Guess I was wondering what the pils base will do. I usually use all pale.
To my palate, pils seems more bready-grainy than pale malt and is a flavor that I find very pleasant. Why not give it a try and see what you think? Maybe up your boil time to 90 min. to take into account the pils tendency to produce sulpher compounds.
My palate picks up pilsner malt as raw pasta dough, but there some winy/grapey things going on with it as well. It’s pretty distinct to me, in fact a hefty proportion of Pils malt says “lager” to me almost as much as fermentation profile.
As far as using Pils in a blonde with Amarillo goes, definitely give it a shot. I’ve brewed a few hoppy lagers and I like them a lot. Everyone’s tastes are different so YMMV, but it’s definitely worth a try. If you ferment cool and clean you may even be able to pass it off as a lager to the unwitting.
I’ve decided as well that I really like blondes, especially the ones that have nothing to do with beer or hops;)