Hey everyone, I’m going to try using Blood Orange for the first time, but not sure how to add it. It’s going to be for a Saison, and I was thinking of adding the juice late in the boil. Good/bad idea? How much and when should I add it? With the grain bill alone, according to BeerSmith, I’m in the middle of the recommended OG, so I figure I have some room for fermentables. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
I would throw some zest in at the end of the boil and add juice after a week or so in the fermenter. If you are legging you could add juice directly to the keg too.
Check out Drew’s recipe in Experimental Homebrewing. I think it’s called Saison Sangreal. With French saison.
I’m going to second using the zest at the end of the boil and the juice in the secondary. I’ve done it in both a tripel and a saison, and I really like how it works. Remember to freeze the juice first, which effectively sanitizes it, before thawing and adding it to the fermenter.
I have tried blood orange and it is really good. Go on and try! Good luck
You might want to consider the blood orange candi syrup from Cascade Candi Syrup company.
That sounds delicious!
If the tart cherry candi syrup that I bought is any indication it probably is.
Would this stuff work?
“Ingredients: Alcohol, water, and natural blood orange flavor”, so yes, but why would you do that? It’s the season!
It’s the season!
Not in Hermiston, Oregon (AKA BFE).
I had to look that one up, and now I feel your pain. There is nothing better than fresh Sicilian blood oranges.
that sounds good