Book Series

Anyone have any experience with the MBAA book series?  I see it referenced from time to time and was thinking I could pick up a few tidbits if I had the actual collection.


I have no experience with those books, but it seems that they are oriented to the commercial Brewer, so the processes suggested in them may or may not correlate well with homebrewing applications.  I am sure it is worth reading, but don’t accept it as gospel for the smaller scale use, without experimenting at the home brew level.

The series books out on Yeast, Malt, Water and Hops through the Brewers Publications are very insightful and are mostly geared to homebrewing, but you may have already made your way through those texts.

Yes, I know that series.  I’m looking for something more rigorous.  In particular I’m looking for feedback from those who have at least flipped through the MBAA series.  Cheers…