Can’t wait to dig into these guys and take my learning to the next level with the journey of home brew. What order did you guys read them in? I know it prolly doesn’t matter much at all lol
Lucky dog and you’re spot on, it probably won’t matter. I would be in for the Malt session first.
I started with Hops because it’s what I had, and I’m putting off water. Yeast was second, and I’m most of the way through Malt. Maybe start with the one you feel most knowledgeable in to build on what you know (or don’t know) and then go from there?
I started with water, but had not started doing any water adjustments at that point. It was not in the realm of what I was doing, so I never finished it. I now have and use Bru’NWater and love it. I really need to go back and read that book as well as the other 3 now that I have all 4. Good luck and enjoy
Think it might go hops yeast water malt for me but we will see if I stick to that line up maybe I’ll have to do a little final four bracket and read the forward of all four and advance the two that intrigued me the most then decide on which of those two to start on lol
I’ve got all four, and so far I’ve read all of them except for the book on hops. Am I crazy?
I take a fix the problem approach to by beer, so I focus on whatever I feel is the greatest fault first. Initially I had lot of odd flavors that I attributed unhappy yeast, so I tackled the yeast book first. Still don’t have complete control of my fermentation temps, but learned enough from the book that I’ve sorta got a handle on the problem.
Next up: malt and water. Read these at about the same time, while trying to get a basic understanding of mash chemistry. Still a lot more that I could learn from these books, but that’ll have to wait till my night classes finish up…
Of the four, I would start with Yeast first. Aside from sanitation, there is nothing more important to brewing beer than managing fermentation - temp, pitching rate and yeast health.
I’ve got them all.
Yeast is the best one in my opinion. It is the most interesting read and the most practical for a brewer. For me, Water was the next best. Hops was interesting but not super-practical and Malt is a beast. Kind of boring and not especially useful. I guess that is my quick and dirty review
Hops and yeast where the two that got narrowed down to I read the forward of hops lastnight will read the yeast one tonight after work and with a homebrew, think I might go with you guys and read yeast first tho then hops because well as my SN shows im a hophead and soon my home grown hops will be breaking ground so will be fitting lol
And the winner is
Oh yea and my heady tooper clone joined the party to read