Bottle Labels

My fiancee and I are getting married in September and are going to give away bottles of homebrew as a party favor.  We’re going to be giving away two different styles of beer and each attendee will get to pick one bottle.  Does anyone have any recommendations for beer label services or software?  My fiancee is fairly artistic, but we’d like to find a service that’s easy to use as we’ve been fairly busy and only getting busier as the wedding approaches.  Any recommendations (and why) would be appreciated.

Check out grog tags

Full disclosure, the owners are members of my homebrew club

+1 to Grog Tags. Their stuff is great quality.

If you want to design everything yourself and just want a specific label stock, then has a bazillion choices, and all are high-quality. I have used their clear 3/4" dot labels for bottlecaps quite a bit. But they also have waterproof labels, fabric, etc.

Did you try your LHBS? Mine has a label printer. Pick a design and they print it with your text and choice of font for 10¢ apiece. Easy peasy.

+1 to online labels. They will send you samples, I think up to four sheets.

I used Grogtag for this exact situation. I designed the label on Friday with my mom in Photoshop, sent it to them on Monday. Easy process. Based on my other orders with them, they’ll probably be here by mid-next week.

The printing quality from GrogTags is excellent. I’ve printed my own on high quality laser cut label paper using various printers including a very expensive color laser printer and found the quality variable and at best “Very Good”. Solid black areas are especially problematic.

Printer quality makes is huge. I’m fortunate enough to have a dozen or so higher quality printers at my disposal at work. If one is printing like garbage I can try another down the hall.

I’ve had success just printing on standard lazier printer paper, cutting to size with a guillotine and then sticking on with full fat milk. Just get a saucer of milk, wet the side to stick in the milk and stick it on!!

lots of good advice here - if you decide because time is of the essence to go an easier route, i use little adhesive mailing labels around the necks.  they’re nice because you can get printing templates online for word files.  30 per sheet is the size i use.

I’ve also used the 3*4 inch shipping labels. They are a perfect size for beer bottles. Laser is critical though as ink jet ink will run when wet or even damp.

I think the guillotine might be overkill.

By guillotine I mean one of these.

Yes, I was attempting humor.

You kill me dude. :slight_smile:

Avery has a new type of label stock that is designed to let you put a new mailing label over an old one without any of the lower layer showing through. This is nice and thick and makes a really nice bottle label.

Also, don’t forget that a local printer might be able to produce a quality label at a very reasonable price.

i almost lost my head laughing at the guillotine joke.  ;D

+1 to grogtag.  I ordered from them for a beer I did for a friend as a surprise for his wedding (big barleywine).  The quality was very nice.  Much better than anything I could have done myself for close to that price.  While I was at it, I ordered some custom bottle caps and a sign as well with my homebrew logo.  The caps are very nice looking.  The sign is nice as well.  It’s going to be hanging in my bar area when I finally move.  All very good products though.

Laser printer with Milk is my standard.  A good printer and a very quick dip in the milk works best.

Recently, I bought some shrink wrap label holders from the Fast Rack guys.  I saw their product at NHC, tried a couple they gave me and it worked really well.  (Dont have to worry about labels running in the milk and it holds up OK in the cooler too.)

Grog tags are REALLY cool though, but price wise, that might add up.

I use MS Publisher and print 8 labels per sheet on a laser printer. The labels have a faded/washed out  background pic, includes the name of the beer, a born on date and alcohol content. Then I use a glue stick to apply the labels. YMMV… Cheers!!!