Bottle Oxygen Purging Gadget

I have built a very inexpensive and easy to build gadget that will purge oxygen from bottles prior to being filled with beer. I was inspired to build this gadget when I started purging my kegs prior to racking.I fill the keg with Starsan and push the sanitizer out with Co2. This leaves the keg filled with Co2 and almost oxygen free.

For bottle purging I use the same concept but fill beer bottles with Starsan and push out the Starsan with Co2. The result is a bottle purged of oxygen.
    I then fill the bottle using the " I don’t need no stinking beer gun method "

The parts needed for this project are minimal and are probably in most brewer’s supplies already. This gadget build assumes that you have at least a dual regulator keg system and an “I don’t need no stinking beer gun”  You will need a picnic tap to fill the bottles with beer.

Remember to remove the poppets from the gas disconnect. A stopper attached to a tube will be pushed into the gas ball lock.

The parts that I used are listed. I am sure that different tubes and tubing sizes could be used. This part list is what worked for me.

  1. 3/8th inner dimension tubing cut to the length that you need to drain the Starsan. Use whatever length works in your setup.
  2. 5/16 inner dimension tubing cut to whatever length that you need for the Co2 gas ball lock  disconnect.
  3. Two stoppers. I think they are both #2
  4. Basketball inflation needle to insert into one of the stoppers which will be drilled. This is where the Co2 will be pushed into the bottle.
  5. Tube from a  bottling wand.

The stopper that is inserted into the ball lock disconnect has to fit tightly so that gas will not escape.
(You should remove the poppets from the gas disconnect.)


The drilled stopper with Starsan drain tube and inflation needle.
The other tube is attached to the inflation needle.

Stopper inserted into the gas disconnect.

To use this gadget insert the drilled stopper (with the inflation needle) into a bottle that is filled with Starsan.
The tube that is attached to the needle runs to the ball lock.
Set the pressure at 1-2 psi.
Open up the gas valve and the Starsan will be pushed out by CO2. This will leave the bottle filled with Co2. 
Bottle in the usual manner.

Very innovative. Good job!