Bottling a weizen - safe carb level?

So everything I’m reading about carbing weizens gives a target volume of CO2 anywhere from mid 3’s to upper 4’s. I’m bottle conditioning in standard 12oz longnecks, so this seems way too high to be safe, right? What does everyone here shoot for when bottling a hefe or a dunkelweizen? Any idea what something like Harpoon UFO is bottled at?

I’m thinking of bottling at 2.8 volumes for my dunkelweizen, but I really want to max out the safe carbonation level for this beer.

I use 6 oz of table sugar in a 5.5 gal batch for my weizens.  I forget what that comes out to in volumes but they’re plenty effervescent and have a good head.

At 68F, I think that comes out to 3 volumes of CO2. Ever had an issue with bottle-bombs at that level? Are you bottling in regular long-necks?

I’ve never had a problem with going up to 3 volumes in standard bottles.  I’m leery of going much over that though.

I bottle half the batch in .5L swing-tops and the other half in regular recycled 12-oz longnecks and have had no problems with either type.

Don’t know volume but I just did 6 gallons with 5.3 oz of priming sugar and after two weeks the beer is well carbonated with a nice frothy head, thoroughly enjoying it!