I am going to be bottling a Hefeweizen tomorrow, and have a question about the amount of priming sugar needed. I will be using table sugar, and planned to have it carbonated to style, so around 3.1 or 3.2 vols of CO2. I will be priming 4.75 gallons. The Brewersfriend calculator says I will need 6.1oz of sugar for 3.2 vols in beer at 73F, or 5.8oz of sugar for 3.1 vols. The bottles are new from my LHBS, and the guys told me that 3.2 vols would be no problem in those bottles. I really don’t want exploding bottles, and a bit nervous about that amount of sugar. Do you guys, and ladies, think I will be ok at 3.1-3.2 vols for staying with the style, or should I just carb at 2.4 vols and use 4.1oz of sugar? Your feedback is appreciated.
There is a ton of anecdotal evidence that details brand new and moderate use longnecks being able to withstand much greater than 3 volumes. Some manufacturers will likely even tell you on the sly that the bottles will withstand greater than 4 volumes.
The choice is up to you. 3.1-3.2 volumes doesn’t seem that excessive to me if the bottles are brand new.
Thanks Scotty. I bought them a couple of days ago, so I know they are new, LOL. Being pretty new to brewing, I guess I am just nervous about it wanting to go as planed. I may have to just go with it and see what happens. Maybe put the cases in my fermentation freezer at set it for 75F since I wont be brewing again until next weekend. That way, if there is a bomb in the first week, cleanup may not be so bad.
I wouldn’t worry about it.
I’m sure you will be fine.
The issue with bottle bombs isn’t cleanup, it’s safety. If a bottle is well overprimed, knocking into it could cause it to burst sending glass all over.
Thanks everyone. I definitely feel better about going with 3.2 vols now. I guess I need to RDWHAHB.
Now that this ‘issue’ has been resolved…on to the next ‘issue’…but that’s another thread LOL
Sure the bottles might handle it… But if you hate gushers as much as I do, you’ll wish you’d only used 4 oz.
Got it in the bottles, now just to finish washing everything. Since this isn’t going to be in any competitions, and it qualifies as more of a fruit beer than a Hefeweizen, I figured the was no reason that it had to be carbed to the BJCP style guidelines for a Hefe. I went with 2.6 vols using 4.3oz sugar. I’m sure that will be plenty of carbonation for me.
And, I used my vinator for the first time today. It sure made sanitizing the bottles a breeze while bottling.
Love my vinator. At my original homebrewing class, the supporting store told me that they sell out of these every time they hold a class. Rob W. Sure can teach. I use mine every batch and have not had any bottle related issues in 3+ years. Easy peasy, couple pumps then fill er up, the bottles that is
Don’t live in fear of well carbonated beers, they are delicious and it can make certain beers better than the same beer with less Co2. I keg mainly nowadays but I have done several 5 gallon batches carbed above 3 with no bombs and no gushers. They all came out great. Your a self proclaimed newbie so I know it can be hair raising (I think I posted on the same subject myself) but hang in there and let the priming sugar fly!!
Thanks for mentioning the vinator! I looked at a video of one on N. Brewer and ordered one. Should be third place in importance behind sex and beer and cut by bottling time by about one-third.
+1 for the vinator. I wouldn’t bottle without one.