Bottling and carbonating a brett saison

I have a saison that had a SG of 1.046 and fermented down to 1.004. I split the 5 gallon batch into 2 different beers. I kegged 2.5 gals for straight saison and I then racked the other 2.5 to secondary where I added Brett for a few months. I want to bottle this Brett saison. Now that the beer is basically at 1.000 gravity and yeast has settled out, how should I proceed with carbonating the beer in the bottle? I don’t really want to force carb this from the keg. I know its possible to add yeast at bottling with sugar…but how much?


Personally I would prime as normal, which would be roughly 5.25 tablespoons sugar for 2.5 gallons.  Dissolve in 2 cups water, boil, chill, add to the batch, bottle, done.  Well… wait a month or two to carbonate.  Then done.