I was just looking at the news on Yahoo and saw this wildfire… looking thru some of the photos I could swear I saw one of Paul Gatza… could it be?! This going on near the AHA offices?
The fires are in the foothills just west of Boulder. The Brewers Association office is not in any danger.
You likely did see Paul. He and his family had to evacuate their home in Sunshine Canyon yesterday. Thankfully he and his family are safe and as far as we know his house is still standing, though others in his neighborhood are not so lucky.
Gary Glass
AHA Director
Boulder, CO
So I had to look at Yahoo. Sure looks like Paul. Hope all is good with their home.
The caption at your link says it’s Paul and Jean Gatza.
Observant Jeff :) I missed it too since it’s off to the side. That explains why it looks so much like him.
Doh! Too busy looking at the picture.
It was pretty smokey out here. I live about 30-35 miles straight east of Boulder.
It was rather erie to see the hills on fire on my way home last night. There were
about 4-5 hot spots glowing from my point of view. I hope they are making some
progress in extinguishing it.
Best wishes to all of my homebrewing brethren dealing with the wild fires in CO. Hang in there!