Breiss Bavarian Wheat Extract

Just curious if anyone has used this.  I usually use Munton’s.

USed the Breiss and my wheat came out pretty dark.  And insipid.

I’m thinking maybe I mashed the wrong grains because its so dark.  But I’m pretty sure I used Pils.

SRM on this is supposed to be 3. LME can darken if stored for a long time or at improper temps.

What was the target SRM of the beer ?

Not sure, but the last time I brewed it I’d say it was a straw color.

This time, more orange-ish.  Kinda like a Belgian wit.

Cold and carbed, it’s much better and not so insipid.  I think I fermented too cool as there’s not much banana or clove.

The DME was brand new from the LHBS.  I think they’re turnover is pretty good and while I’ve seen LME darken, not so much DME.

DME isn’t supposed to darken, just the LME. Did you do a longer boil than usual?

Nope.  Late addition at 10 minutes left.

Either they have some munich or something in the extract (not listed on their data sheet) or I added munich/maris otter/something instead of Pils in my mash.

I have used that DME brand before for an extract lambic and did not notice an abnormally darker color (at least when compared to extracts in general).

I remember using it a long time ago and the beer looking as much dunkelweizen as hefeweizen, as well as not liking the flavor. I use their Pilsen DME now and then for small hop trials batches, but I don’t think much of the vast majority of their products.

Unfortunately, Briess extract products have higher than typical sodium content because their water supply is ion-exchange softened and contains a LOT of sodium. I’ve spoken with them about this, but they feel it is economically unfeasible for them to make a change. I think they should switch to RO for mashing their brewery related products. Hopefully they will make that change someday.

I think the SRM on the Briess wheat DME is 8. That’s going to get dark pretty quick.

I know when I made a barleywine based on Palmer’s Fightin Urak Hai, using extract plus specialty grains, I used pale canadian LME, Briess wheat LME. This came out as dark as a stout, a lot darker than I had expected. I did add about half of the pale late, but half plus the wheat was early addition, guess I know where the color came from now